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Multiple configurations

Currently, Vite does not have support for generating multiple bundles. It will always write one manifest, with potentially a vendor.js file containing third-party and shared code.

Sometimes though, you may need to have separated bundles for different parts of your application, and in that case you will need multiple configuration files.


Say you need a separate bundle for a back-office that uses a different stack than the front-office.

You will need to add a configuration to config/vite.php, create a new vite.back-office.config.ts file, pass the configuration name to the @vite directive and run slightly different development and build commands.

Configuring the Laravel package

Open config/vite.php and duplicate the default array located in configs, and call it back-office:

return [
	// ...
	'configs' => [
		'default' => [
			// ...
		// Your new back-office configuration
		'back-office' => [
			'entrypoints' => [
				'paths' => 'resources/scripts/back-office.ts',
				// ...
			'dev_server' => [
				'url' => env('DEV_SERVER_URL', 'http://localhost:3000'),
				// ...
			'build_path' => 'build/back-office',

The important parts are the name of the config (the key of the array, back-office), entrypoints, dev_server.url and build_path. If you work on multiple configurations at the same time and need their development server started concurrently, their URL must be different. In the above exemple, note that the port was changed from :5173 to :3000.

Aditionally, the build_path must differ as to not override other configurations' builds. In this case, the following will be generated:

└─ build/
	└─ back-office/
		├─ assets/
		│	├─ back-office.a2c636dd.js
		│	└─ back-office.65bd481b.css
		└─ manifest.json

Configuring Vite

Then, create a Vite configuration file: vite.back-office.config.ts. The name there is important, as it's used to infer the configuration name.

Optionally, if you need to name the configuration file something else, you may use the config option of the plugin:

import laravel from 'vite-plugin-laravel'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
	plugins: [
		laravel({ config: 'back-office' })

Chosing which config to use

Instead of using vite dev or vite build, which will use the default configuration, you will need to specify the Vite configuration file you want to use.

> npx vite --config vite.back-office.config.ts

It is easier to add commands to package.json instead of typing the entire configuration name each time:

	"scripts": {
		"dev": "vite",
		"dev:back": "vite --config vite.back-office.config.ts",
		"build": "vite build",
		"build:back": "vite build --config vite.back-office.config.ts",
		"build:all": "npm run build && npm run build:test"

With the above, you can just run npm run dev:back or npm run build:back.

Using the directives

Finally, to include assets from a specific configuration, simply pass its name to the @vite directive:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ str_replace('_', '-', app()->getLocale()) }}">
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
		<!-- -->
		<!-- -->
Multiple configurations has loaded