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Quick start

Are you using Inertia?

There is an Inertia preset for a fast and easy installation. You can check our Inertia guide.

Installation in a fresh project

The recommended and the easiest approach to get started with Laravel Vite is to use the preset. It's a single command that will:

  • Delete resources/js and create resources/scripts
  • Delete webpack.mix.js and remove the dependency to laravel-mix
  • Add development dependencies on vite and vite-plugin-laravel
  • Update package.json's scripts to use Vite
  • Add a dependency on innocenzi/laravel-vite
  • Create a vite.config.ts configuration file
  • Add a call to the @vite directive in welcome.blade.php

To apply the preset, run the following command:

> npx @preset/cli apply laravel:vite


What next?

Everything will be up and ready. You can open your resources/scripts/main.ts file and start from there.

Installation in an existing project

Before starting

Vite can replace Webpack in existing projects, but some changes will be necessary. For instance, here is two common gotchas:

  • Vite explicitly requires that all Vue single-file components imports include the .vue in the path.
  • Vite is ESM-based, so you should use import instead of require.

There are a handful more differences between the two that could make your existing application build to fail, especially when coming from Webpack 4, which had some Node polyfills. When encountering issues, we recommend asking in the Vite Discord's #help or #laravel channels.

Initial setup

With that in mind, you can start replacing Mix. First, you can delete your webpack.mix.js and remove the dependency on laravel-mix. Then, you need to require both the PHP package and Vite plugin.

# Remove Mix
> rm webpack.mix.js
> npm remove laravel-mix

# Require the packages
> composer require "innocenzi/laravel-vite:0.2.*"
> npm i -D vite vite-plugin-laravel

Vite's configuration resides in a vite.config.ts file at the root of your project. Go ahead and create it, and import vite-plugin-laravel.

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import laravel from 'vite-plugin-laravel'

export default defineConfig({
	plugins: [

The main configuration is defined in config/vite.php, which the Vite plugin reads in order to infer the configuration needed to integrate with Laravel. To configure Vite, publish its configuration:

> php artisan vendor:publish --tag=vite-config

Matching the Mix config


If you were using any Webpack loader for TypeScript, Vue, PostCSS, SASS, Stylus... you can safely remove them. Vite handles them without additional configuration.

Except for PostCSS, you do need to install the CSS pre-processors you are using, though. You can learn more about this on the Vite documentation.

Input files

The equivalent of Mix's .js(input, output) is config/vite.php's entrypoints. For instance, if you had this in your Mix configuration:

mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
    .postCss('resources/css/app.css', 'public/css');

You should use the following config/vite.php configuration:


return [
  // ...

  'configs' => [
    'default' => [
        'entrypoints' => [
            'paths' => [

      // ...

No output option

You probably noticed the lack of an "output" option in the Vite configuration. That's because Vite builds everything in the configured build directory, so you don't need to worry about the paths of your assets.

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